Alternative history: Prophet, 999

PROPHET, 999mrblo

Current Affairs: With Pope Gregory V dying, Holy Roman Emperor Otto III seals the Sacred Palace. As Christendom awaits the end of the world, rival Cardinals plot their ascendency to the papacy.

Divergence Point: 974 A.D.: A Christian prophet in Rome introduces toothbrushes, proper sanitation and a form of the underarm deodorant.

Great Powers: Holy Roman Empire (feudal dictatorship), Byzantine Empire (dictatorship), Song China (dictatorship), Fatimid Caliphate (dictatorship) Kievan Rus’ (dictatorship), Magyar (clan), Khazar khagnate (dictatorship), Croatian Kingdom (dictatorship)



974: A Christian prophet in Rome introduces toothbrushes, proper sanitation and a form of the underarm deodorant.


975: Duke Mieszko I of Poland brushes his teeth before the royal court of Poznań, beginning the Christianisation of Poland.


976: Magyar horsemen begin a series of raids into Europe, which will last until the current day.


977: Avalanches across the Alps bury thousands.


978: The Bulgars turn their raiding parties northwards, striking as far north as Carinthia.


979: A decade-long famine in Lotharingia leads to widespread cannibalism.


980: Viking raiders first enter France.


981: The Loire River floods, submerging Tours, Angers and Orléans.


985: Duke Henry of Bavaria abducts the infant heir to the Holy Roman Empire, beginning ten years of civil war.


986: The airburst of a meteorite over Lorrain fells over a million trees, killing thousands.


988: Saracens sack Augsburg.


989: The appearance of Hailey’s Comet causes hysteria throughout Europe.


991: Unprecedented hailstorms destroy three-quarters of the farmland in Pomerania.


992: The crowning of Holy Roman Emperor Otto III triggers riots throughout the empire.

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