Useful To Know: Free Hugo


You might not be aware that as a part of the process of the Hugo Awards, most magazines release the Hugo nominated short stories to the public for free to read. This is done in the hopes that this will increase the profile of said stories, and thus increase the chances of them being voted for in this public choice award.

In recent years this has extended to Escape Pod producing free audio-story versions of the Hugo nominated stories. You can find these by using the Hugo Awards category at Escape Pod like so or the Hugo Awards tag like so… The classification of Hugo stories hasn’t been totally consistent at Escape Pod over the years so you’ll need to check out both the ‘category’ and ‘tags’ pages to get all of them.

I seriously recommend you listening to the 2012 winner The Paper Menagerie by Ken Liu (MP3 here), and then browse through whatever other stories take your fancy.

Five Rather Wonderful Audiostories


Possibly you listen to podcast fiction and audioboks. Possibly you don’t. Either way, you should definitely listen to the following five pieces. Three are from Escape Pod and two are from Podcastle, which reflects my own personal listening habits, but also reflects how the SFF crowd were early adopters of online audio formats for fiction. Because free SFF audio stories have been online for some years now, there is quite a bit of good Science Fiction and Fantasy to pick from. Unfortunately, mystery, crime , romance and lit fic are taking a while to catch up, but if you wanted to create a short-format fiction podcast in one of those genres it’s worth being are that there certainly isn’t much competition to deal with at the moment. Continue reading

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